Quarantine Reading List

Last Summer, I asked people to share their summer reading recommendations — all lists are viewable here. Echoing this call, I am now asking people to share their Quarantine Reading Lists.


Choose three texts of any kind — poetry, articles, profiles, fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, etc. For shorter texts (i.e. an article, poem, short story), please provide a link where others can find your recommended text online (if possible). Interpret the idea of text as broadly as you’d like.

Ideally, these texts have helped you navigate, unpack, or escape the stress and strange reality of the quarantine. The objective of sharing these texts is to foster dialogue and community while we are socially distanced. By reading the same texts, we can feel connected and perhaps start new conversations with each other. Reading is a socially-distanced approved activity!

Provide some sort of description about why you chose each text. You can include a short synopsis of the plot, relevant biographical information about the author, or any other details that might entice a potential reader. You can even include quotes from the text.

If you’d like, you can include a narrative bio and any relevant links to your website, social media accounts, etc.

You can also send a few images of your work or studio (as jpegs). Include your preferred captions with each image. Curators can send me installation views of recent or ongoing exhibitions.

Keep in mind that none of these rules are firm. Many of us are now juggling new demands on our time. Do whatever you feel motivated to do!

Send everything to jgleisner@gmail.com. Please feel free to be in touch with any questions.

There’s no deadline. I would like to continue this project for as long as we are socially distanced or for as long as I receive submissions.

I will be posting these lists on connecticutartreview.com throughout the quarantine.

Thanks for participating! Please feel free to share this call.


Nate Lerner

Amira Brown

Danielle Schmitt

David Livingston

Jeff Ostergren

Megan Craig

Jacquelyn Gleisner